Addism is a great calculator for your Mac. It comes with a clean, intuitive user interface and lots of features. Addism displays the whole calculation and the result […]
Gradekeeper makes dealing with grades easy! You enter scores and attendance and Gradekeeper does the rest. Gradekeeper computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, sends email progress reports, […]
TranslateIt! Deluxe is an accelerated offline dictionary for effortless universal text translation. TranslateIt! Deluxe is easily extendible and comes pre-loaded with Russian, English, French, Spanish, and German dictionaries. […]
Paint Simple Plus
Over 240 ( Shapes + Colors + Effects ) And Adjustable Background Colors . Simply Paint With Paint Simple Plus , Amazing Graphics , Fireworks , Effects And […]
MoleculeSketch is a simple and easy to use drawing App for chemical formulas and reactions. It has following features: + add atoms and bonds nicely by position locking […]
Sumuri Recon
Designed for both the novice and advanced forensic examiner and/or investigator. RECON for Mac OS X contains powerful features in a simplistic interface. Advanced output that can produce […]
Rosetta Stone TOTALe
With Rosetta Stone TOTALe you can learn to speak Spanish, French, Italian, English, German or one of 19 other languages The Rosetta Stone TOTALe language-learning program is designed […]
Solar Walk
Solar Walk is a 3D Solar System model that enables you to navigate through space and time, observe all the planets in close-up, learn their trajectories, inner structure, […]
Lessons for iMovie
Lessons for iMovie will teach you how to edit your movies and share them using Apple’s iMovie. • Start learning with 8 free lessons • Ability to unlock […]
Wokabulary is the new, fun and effective way to learn and rehearse words. Just like the flash-card systems you had in school, Wokabulary organises your words in different […]