Moneyspire is remarkably great personal finance software! Enjoy these benefits: Keep track of your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. and see all your account balances in one place. Categorize […]
Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates is perfect for you if you are tired of launching the OS X Calculator app and stepping through menu paths, or launching the fullscreen OS X Dashboard […]
Portfolio Bar
Portfolio Bar makes it easy to stay up to date on the stocks, ETFs and investments you care most about. With a highly customizable menu bar display you can […]
Bitcoin Monitor
Bitcoin Monitor provides live updates of the Bitcoin conversation rate on your menu bar. Additional information is included in Bitcoin Monitor’s popup. Price and market-depth information is provided by […]
MacPay Business
MacPay Business Edition is a pro version of our existing MacPay Standard payment management application. It adds the following features to the basic Swiss payment management functions of […]
ReceiptBox is a very easy to use application designed to help you keep track of your receipts. Features: Organize your receipts into multiple accounts. Import-export to file Receipts […]
Inspire Finance
Use Inspire Finance for better control of your home finances. Save all of your expenses and income. Plan your budget to start saving money. The entered transactions can […]
ookkeeaapp PRO
ookkeeaapp PRO is a powerful yet easy to use and to understand bookkeeping application for freelancers, small companies, and agencies that are tired of having to use cluttered, […]
Coinverter is a powerful yet simple currency rates converter that lets you calculate currency exchange rates easily. Coinverter provides you always up-to-date currency rates, but you don’t necessarily […]
Investoscope is a portfolio tracker for the individual investor. With a compelling and intuitive one window user interface, Investoscope lets you monitor the performance of your investments in […]