DEVONthink is DEVONtechnologies’ document and information management solution. It supports a large variety of file formats and stores them in a database enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI). Many document formats can be directly viewed, edited, and annotated. A powerful search language finds documents in an instant, smart groups keep them always at hand.
Sophisticated organization tools, AI-based techniques that handle even the largest collections, and numerous integration options make DEVONthink the work environment of choice for researchers, lawyers, and educators. Smart rules, flexible reminders, and deep AppleScript support allow automating even complex repeating tasks. And with its fast, reliable, and secure synchronization users keep their data available on all their Macs. DEVONthink To Go for iPad and iPhone completes the DEVONthink ecosystem.
- Keeps your data together
- Scans your paper
- Archives your email
- Assists you with A.I.
- Syncs your data securely
- Automates repeating tasks
- Lets you share your data
What's New
Version 3.9.1:
- Added support for squiggly underline PDF annotations made in some PDF applications. The underlined text also displays in the Document > Annotations inspector.
- Added placeholder #Tags in the Insert Placeholders submenu to insert the tags of an item formatted as hash tags. This is also available as the raw placeholder
. - Added hidden preference
to set the number of locations shown in the Recent Destinations section of contextual and popup menus, e.g., in the Move to submenu. The default is ten items. - Added hidden preference
to specify the numbers of seconds to skip forward or backward when using the right or left arrow keys with Shift held in audio and video documents. - Added
reference URL
AppleScript property to windows and tabs to retrieve the appropriate item link for the displayed document, e.g., a link to the selected text in a PDF.
New (Server)
- Added a popup menu to the toolbar search field in the web sharing interface to toggle matching substrings versus whole words. This matches the Partial matches while typing toolbar search option in the desktop application.
- Moving selected lines in plain text, rich text, and Markdown documents is now possible. Use the up and down arrow keys, while holding Shift-Control, Control-Command, or Shift-Option. This is also supported in the Take Note tab of theSorter as well as the Annotations & Reminders > Annotations inspector.
- Line annotations in PDFs now snap to multiples of 45 degrees when holding the Shift key.
- For people annotating PDFs in DEVONthink To Go, we improved handling selection and annotation links made in the mobile app.
- DEVONthink now more reliably detects PDFs whose text layer could potentially be corrupted by macOS' PDF framework.
- Enabling Stricter recognition of duplicates in the General preferences now considers document content hashes, making duplicate recognition even more accurate.
- After you edit Markdown linked images, the preview of the Markdown document is automatically refreshed.
- Markdown metadata is now better detected, also improving WYSIWYG editing.
- To improve visual consistency, the default Markdown stylesheet is more like the styling in DEVONthink To Go.
- DEVONthink better supports Apple Pencil drawings made in rich text documents in DEVONthink To Go.
- If you're viewing video documents, e.g., MP4s, in DEVONthink in macOS Ventura, a contextual menu is available on the video while its paused. Depending on the content, it offers options for live text, URLs, or face detection. If nothing is detected, you will see the same options as shown in the Action menu (gear icon).
- If no DOI is found in a document's content, DEVONthink will try to detect it in the filename.
- When importing sheet formats, e.g., CSV, dates formatted as
are better handled. - PNG files are now used instead of TIFF, e.g., when using Data > New > With Clipboard to create a new document from image data on the clipboard.
- Selecting an item link bookmark now shows the linked document in the view/edit pane or a document window, provided the linked item is in an open database. The inspectors will display information about the linked item as if it is the active selection. If you need to edit information about the bookmark itself, hide the view/edit pane or open the Tools > Get Info popover.
- When you move a selected item, e.g., via the Data > Move To popover, the next available item in the item list is automatically selected.
- The contextual menu in the search results now shows the same commands found in the contextual menu of the item list, e.g., OCR and conversion commands.
- The Extras sidebar now refreshes more often to ensure you get up to date information from us.
- For clarity, the "Insert Summary" option in the popup of the Annotations & Reminders > Annotations inspector was renamed to Insert Summarized Annotations.
- If you change the Preferences > General > Appearance > View Text Size, the change now also applies to the Annotations and the Attachments tabs of the Document inspector.
- The Document inspector now displays No Preview when the view/edit pane is not open.
- When viewing a PDF, the alternate menu command of Edit > Copy Link changes to Copy Selection or Copy Annotation Link, depending on the selection in the document.
- Some PDFs have poorly constructed keywords concatenated by semicolons. DEVONthink now separates and indexes these keywords and produces proper individual tags on the documents, e.g., via smart rules or Data > Tags > Convert Keywords to Tags.
- As more than highlight annotations are summarized, the "Summarize Highlights" command menu has been renamed to Summarize Annotations in the Tools menu.
- The Tools > Document > Mode submenu now dynamically displays the Image Selection command when viewing an image.
- All instances of the "Add Tags to Images" command, e.g., in the Data > Tags submenu, have been renamed to Add CoreML suggestions to images.
- The search field in the Sorter is now accessible via the Tab key.
- The Import and Sheets tabs in the Files preferences received some minor revisions.
- We renamed the "Highlight Internet links in views" option of the Preferences > General > Appearance to Highlight bookmarks in views.
- New databases, global smart groups, and smart rules now use their unique identifier (UUID) to more reliably store user interface settings.
- Geolocations will only be scanned and applied to your documents if DEVONthink has been enabled in the System Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services.
- Clipping web content or converting documents to web archives now works more reliably.
- When you duplicate global smart groups and smart rules, the original's list view columns are preserved.
- DEVONthink will now beep and bounce its dock icon if certain processes fail, e.g., bookmarklets.
- When migrating to a new machine or upgrading to version 3.x, the application's cache is removed for a more reliable transition.
- If you add items from search results in the upcoming DEVONagent 3.11.8 or later, the date of each item is now included.
- Color wells in the interface now use the more minimal macOS appearance, e.g., the color controls in the Editing preferences.
- The Daily Journal template has an updated source for German quotes of the day.
- Future dates are now detected when using the Name without date placeholder and AppleScript property.
- When using any of the Tags smart rule actions, e.g., Convert hashtags to tags, whenever possible, subsequent actions in the rule don't have to wait for the tags action to finish before they run.
queries in AppleScript now return parents, contents, and tags much faster.- When deleting or converting multiple records at a time, you can now pass a list of items to the
AppleScript commands. - Setting numeric custom metadata now works better when using a currency symbol. The smart rule script Assign Document Date & Amount is also improved by this change.
- As the Standard edition of DEVONthink doesn't have the Download Manager, using the
add download
command returns an error. - When processing financial documents, e.g., invoices or receipts, document amounts are more reliably detected.
- AppleScript errors, e.g., from using incorrect arguments, return
missing value
. - Some descriptions in the AppleScript dictionary were clarified or fixed, for example, the
do JavaScript
,get items of feed
, andindicate
commands. - Improved overall performance.
Improved (Pro)
- The Apple Mail plugin is more reliable and updated for the most recent macOS releases.
- While browsing web content, invalid attachment responses are skipped and not added to the Download Manager.
Improved (Server)
- Improved searches in the web interface produce results more like those of the desktop application.
Improved (Sync)
- Sync stores are more reliable in situations where certain critical items exhibit permission issues.
- Ink annotations created by applications using PSPDFKit could cause DEVONthink to crash. Fixed.
- When viewing read-only or locked PDF documents, some commands that couldn't be used with such documents, e.g., adding notes, were enabled. Fixed.
- WYSIWYG blockquoted text didn't display correctly in Markdown documents. Fixed.
- Removing the bold styling from selected text in formatted notes didn't work correctly in the latest versions of macOS. Fixed.
- Some EPUB documents weren't viewable or searchable due to permissions issues or displayed visual glitches. Fixed.
- For unsaved annotations files in the Annotations & Reminders > Annotations inspector, e.g., those created by typing or pasting without using an annotation file template, automatic WikiLinking did not work. Fixed.
- When inserting a back link or quote in the Annotations & Reminders > Annotations inspector, it incorrectly referred to the current PDF page, not the one of selected text or annotation. Fixed.
- The Insert Summary command in the Annotations & Reminders > Annotations inspector was incorrectly enabled when viewing empty documents or unsupported file types. Fixed.
- It wasn't always possible to remove notes from PDF annotations in the Document > Annotations inspector. Fixed.
- While viewing web content, selecting a section in the Table of Contents inspector didn't always scroll to the appropriate place. Fixed.
- Tags entered in the Info > Generic inspector could be lost if a color label on the document was subsequently changed via the contextual menu. Fixed.
- The tab controls of some inspectors, e.g., the Info inspector, weren't horizontally aligned in macOS Monterey and later. Fixed.
- After changing the format in the Take Note tab of the Sorter, e.g., from rich text to formatted note, the font and formatting were unnecessarily changed. Fixed.
- The Sorter didn't reopen correctly when the Take Video tab had unsaved video. Fixed.
- After restarting DEVONthink, the Sorter would open at the wrong size. Fixed.
- When using the Sorter's Screen Capture features, the name of each screen was incorrect when using multiple monitors. Fixed.
- When Preferences > Sorter > Appearance is set to None, clipping web content opens the Clip To DEVONthink view. However, the Preview button didn't enable. Fixed.
- The Add button in the Sorter's Take Note tab wasn't always enabled. Fixed.
- When clipping content, if the detected URL is already present in the selected database, an icon is shown in the Sorter's URL field but was misaligned. Fixed.
- In the Web Clip tab of the Sorter, the Comments field incorrectly accepted rich content, i.e., styled text and attachments. Fixed.
- Renaming documents didn't update the name of their item links in the text of documents in other databases. Fixed.
- Moving indexed files and folders in the Finder didn't update the item list in DEVONthink when the indexed group was displayed. Fixed.
- When moving items to multiple selected groups in the See Also & Classify inspector, the items weren't correctly moved when the destination groups were in the same database or if related annotation files were also being moved. Fixed.
- Multiple replicants could be wrongly made when moving items to or ungrouping groups in a location already having a replicant of the moved or ungrouped item.
- Annotation files were not also moved when moving groups containing their related files to another database, even when Preferences > General > General > Annotations: Move annotations automatically is enabled. Fixed.
- In tagging fields, e.g., the Tag bar, after deleting an autocompletion suggestion with the Delete key, the autocompletion would reappear. Fixed.
- The Activity panel didn't always show the progress of background operations correctly. Fixed.
- After switching to the Extras sidebar and selecting an item to view, resizing the window didn't adjust the displayed content.
- Items with ratings didn't work correctly with filters. Fixed.
- Generating thumbnails of some document types, e.g., rich text documents, didn't always work correctly. Fixed.
- Certain background processes, like parsing document links, adding geolocation data, etc. could inhibit syncing a database. Fixed.
- Converting geolocations to tags in a background process could sometimes stall. Fixed.
- Moving items between databases as a background process could wrongly be cancelled. Fixed.
- When using the hidden preference
, indexed folders on networked volumes were unnecessarily scanned for changes. Fixed. - Using the Scan Text or Scan Name smart rule actions incorrectly cached their results, making them available on the next run of the smart rule. Fixed.
- The
create PDF/web document
AppleScript commands used in a smart rule script incorrectly showed its activity and also could run endlessly. Fixed. - Using the Tags > Scan Barcodes smart rule action to tag PDF documents with detected barcodes didn't work. Fixed.
- If you use AppleScript to move a document and its annotation file to a different database, its incoming links were lost. Fixed.
- The
AppleScript command didn't work without the optionalto
parameter. Fixed. - Some descriptions in the AppleScript dictionary were wrong. Fixed.
- The directory containing Reminder scripts wasn't automatically created when DEVONthink runs for the first time. Fixed.
Fixed (Pro)
- When using macOS' dark mode, the scanning controls in the View > Import sidebar didn't display accurately. Fixed.
- The Overview button didn't always appear in the scan settings of the Import sidebar. Fixed.
- PDFs created with dates formatted in a certain way couldn't have OCR done on them on Apple Silicon Macs. Fixed.
- Imprints on rotated pages in a PDF weren't placed as expected. Fixed.
- The AppleScript command
was missing theunderlined
parameter. Theoutlined
parameter also had no description. Fixed. - When No Action was selected in Preferences > OCR > Convert Incoming Scans and the OCR components weren't installed, an unnecessary warning was logged. Fixed.
- The Imprint preference pane loaded too slowly after launch. Fixed.
- The
andimprint configuration
AppleScript commands didn't work correctly. Fixed. - Some OCR-related AppleScript commands weren't working correctly. Fixed.
Fixed (Server)
- When doing a search in the web sharing, double-clicking a group didn't display the group's contents. Fixed.
- Very large numbers of items in a group could cause an issue when running the webserver. Fixed.
Fixed (Sync)
- When syncing indexed documents, resolving pending files didn't always use the current path. Fixed.
- When handling multiple receipts in a sync store, resolving and merging them could sometimes cause issues like duplicate articles in news feeds. Fixed.
- In rare circumstances, a database without a unique identifier (UUID) could crash DEVONthink when syncing. Fixed.
macOS 10.14 or later
Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor
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